Our Wedding

Jul 1, 2008

Going to Jamesport....

This is what was coming after Niki!!!!

Monday was pretty fun. Niki found a snake and it was so scary and huge! Then we went to Jamesport and looked at the things that were in the auction. On the way home we took goofy pictures for fun. Here they are.....


steele's said...

Love the crazy pics! I'm so glad you're keeping up on this. You know the sisters in AZ especially love it--Love you!--Colette

amy said...

you both are hilarious I was cracking up looking at these pics. You funny girls I love them.

Love ya tons

heidi said...

luv you!!!!

steele's said...

What?! You haven't blogged since Tuesday? What happened to the blogging everyday thing? Put some of your happenings on here! I love you!

kenzie said...

hey sheri... i hope you had fun on the way to jamesport. i really wish that i could come with heidi to see you guys,everytime i think of you guys i get sad. i love you so much and i miss you a lot too. i love you. -cari

Anonymous said...

Can I laugh any harder. Niki's face is so funny. You guys crack me up. Miss you and love you lots.

kenzie said...

sheri... it seems like you need to check your comments soon. i hope your having fun out there with kaia. she's a funny girl and she makes everyone laugh, she is real fun to be around. we might come out there in august, we don't know yet. i hope we can come out there in august. it would be really fun for all of us. i love you so much. -cari

kenzie said...

hey sheri... how are you doing. i hope you had a fun timein navoo. i wish we could have come there and be in navoo with you guys. i love you so much. i am so bugged that you and niki can't come to arizona with grandma and grandpa. i hope you guys can come reallysoon and be with us again. i love you so much sheri. -cari

Anonymous said...

ur pics are awesome love u shari miss u lots ur the best friend i could ever have thanks for being there for me
lov u
xoxoxoxox sammy

Unknown said...

my phone number is
lov sam

Jadriene said...

hey sheri look at your blog you can talk to me on it. i want to see what you are up to! not like i see you everyday. jadey